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God of Wonders

February 08, 2021
By Doris Plummer

“God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways;
He does great things beyond our understanding.”  Job 37:5

It’s that special time of the year when our whole school has been challenged to enter the marvelous world of science fair projects.  It is during this process that many students discover their love of science, experimentation, observation, data collection, hypotheses, and conclusions.  It is also there that sometimes a deeper awareness of the marvelous intricacy of creation and the hand of the Creator finds its inception.  I recently asked Leslie Pullen, who has returned to our faculty to teach honors anatomy and physiology, to summarize the benefits of doing science fair projects.  She responded that it would take a book to do that, but she summarized her thoughts in this way:  “Science fair projects allow students to investigate a topic of their own choosing, thus their motivation is high. They eventually feel proud of their final product- they were able to complete the task! They also take on ownership of their own learning as they build up skills they have been learning throughout their lives such as reading, writing and thinking, but also as they develop new skills of data collection, analysis, predicting , interpreting and perhaps public speaking (if required in judging-this year we are not doing this part). A science fair project is the ultimate inquiry learning mechanism, providing an opportunity for our students to become active learners instead of passive learners.”

David penned these beautiful words after taking time to think about God’s amazing handiwork: 

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?  (Psalm 8:3-4)  

Whether looking at the expanse of our galaxy or the intricacy of a cell or the structure of DNA, science can be a marvelous avenue into connecting with our Creator.  It is our prayer that our students will not only enjoy this opportunity to dive deeper in the world of science, but that they will also fall more deeply in love with the Creator of it all.

List ten wonders of Creation… and take time to consider them.  Do you find yourself amazed?  

Join David’s words from Psalm 8, and marvel that the Creator is also mindful of every aspect of your life.  Praise Him for who He is and for what He has done, not only in our world, but also in your life.