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Supporting Christian education is an eternal investment.  Without the help from the families we serve and in the Rowan-Salisbury and surrounding communities, our school would not be effective.

When people think of support, they are often drawn to financial support. While this is certainly a necessary and valued form of support for NHCS, there are so many other ways our families give of their time, talents, and prayers.


Other ways to make a gift to North Hills Christian School:

Please make checks payable to NHCS and mail to:
             North Hills Christian School
             Advancement Office
             2970 West Innes St.
             Salisbury, NC  28144

VISA or MasterCard: 
Complete a pledge card and send it to the school; stop by the front office; or call 704-636-3005, ext. 108 to charge your gift.

To make a gift of securities, please contact the Advancement Office at 704-636-3005, ext. 108.

Matching Gifts: 
Many corporations offer matching gift programs for employees, board directors, and their families. Please contact your human resource office for matching gift guidelines and a matching gift form; send the completed form and your gift to the Development Office. If you are not sure whether your company participates in this plan, click here for a list of companies.  The Development Office can also find out and help you obtain the proper forms.  Donors are recognized for taking this extra but important step on behalf of North Hills Christian School.  

Harris Teeter Together for Education:
When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase is donated to the school that your VIC card is linked to. There are no limits to how much NHCS can earn. Link your VIC card here and use code 1639. You can also ask your cashier to connect your order to North Hills Christian School.

Staples Rewards Program
Use the North Hills Christian School telephone number 704-636-3005 at checkout, and 10% of your purchase amount will be placed in a rewards program for the school. The school can then use the rewards to purchase supplies.

Box Tops
Download the app and scan your receipt! Traditional Box Tops clips are being phased out of production, but may continue to be found on many products throughout the store. You can still clip and send them to school. Every valid Box Tops clip is worth 10ยข for NHCS. Make sure each one has a clearly visible product acronym and expiration date. Click here for more information about clipping and scanning Box Tops.