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North Hills Christian School was founded to educate the whole person within the framework of a biblical worldview.  Our founders established North Hills Christian School as an institution that would become an extension of the Christian home and Christian church in the effort to “train up a child in the way he should go…”  Therefore, we ask all parents or guardians of enrolled students to be in agreement with the mission, statement of faith, and statement of philosophy of the school.

The following admissions policies have been adopted to assure that standards of admission agree with the school’s philosophy and charter:

1.    All parents/guardians and students must be interviewed by the Executive Director or his/her designee.  In addition, all student applicants for 8th through 12th grades must be interviewed by the Upper School Principal or his/her designee. The admissions committee may request subsequent interviews as needed.

2.    The Executive Director will admit students to the school.  Admission to the school may be denied only after the admissions committee and Executive Director have reviewed an applicant’s file and have reached a collaborative decision.  The Executive Director and admissions committee may refuse to admit a student with disciplinary or psychological problems, or any student who they determine has spiritual, behavioral, or academic needs that cannot be met by the school.  All new students will be on probation for a period of one year.  However, the Executive Director and admissions committee reserve the right to dismiss a student from their enrollment at any time for any reason.

3.    All applicants will be given an academic assessment to determine grade/class placement and to ensure that the school will be able to meet the prospective student’s academic needs.  If a student scores below grade level on the assessment, the admissions committee will give additional consideration to standardized test scores and previous years’ grades to determine admission and possible evaluation for the school’s AIM program.  The admissions committee may require participation in the AIM program as a condition for enrollment.  Additional tuition will apply for participation in this program.

4.    The school requires that all applicants obtain and submit reference forms, as follows:

       Applicants for 1st through 12th grades must submit:
         - Two academic references.  Please note: These references must be completed by the instructors of core courses (history, math, Bible, English, science) in which the student achieved his or her highest course average and his or her lowest average.
        -One personal reference. Please note: This reference must be completed by a pastor, youth pastor, church leader, guidance counselor, mentor, or coach.

    Applicants for JK and 5K grades must submit:
     -One personal reference. Please note: This reference must be completed by a pastor, church leader, mentor, or coach.

5.    The school requires the following documents, as applicable:
        A)  Most recent standardized test results or EOG’s/EOC’s
        B)  Most recent report card
        C)  Behavior Record(s) from previous schools
        D)  Medical history, Physical, and Immunization Form(s)

PLEASE NOTE: The school requires that all applicants submit a current immunization record, in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Medical exemptions of the state law require a statement signed by a physician licensed to practice medicine.

6.    Prospective junior kindergarten students must be four years old by July 31st of the school year.  Prospective kindergarten students must be five years old by July 31st of the school year.  
       First-grade students must be six years old by July 31st of the school year.  
       Students with a birthday that falls between August 1st - 31st may apply for an exception to this policy.  
       A copy of the student’s birth certificate must be submitted.

7.    Parents/Guardian must state that they have read and agree with the statement of faith of the school and agree to have their children educated in accordance therewith.  

8.    Parents will be notified as soon as possible of acceptance or rejection of their children into North Hills Christian School. Students will be enrolled once they have been accepted to the school and all applicable fees have been received.

9.    If an applicant feels that an admissions decision is inconsistent with this policy, he or she may appeal the decision to the school board within thirty days of the admission's determination.

North Hills Christian School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, gender, or handicap.