Fine Arts
C.S. Lewis once said, “Friendship is unnecessary, like art, like music it has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.” While he was primarily making a point about friendship, it’s worth noting that he valued the arts as highly as he valued friendship. One only has to look around God’s creation to realize God is creative and values beauty. Read God’s instructions on the intricacy and detail He ordered for the building of the temple, keeping in mind there were no electric lights to illuminate the craftsmanship tucked away in the recesses of the temple. The beauty He commanded was for His glory and His pleasure. The birth of His Son was announced by heavenly choir, “a multitude of the heavenly host praising God”. Read the descriptions of the musical instruments used in the house of David. Use of the “arts” is described throughout the Bible. It’s important to God; it’s important to us. NHCS has taken very deliberate steps to enhance the arts program. Through the arts, many children are able to explore their God-given talents for His glory and for the enjoyment of others. We do believe, as C.S. Lewis says, that art gives value to living life. Students begin their fine arts programs in the elementary school and continue with multiple options in the high school.